Monday, January 12, 2009

Chivalry is STILL not dead!

Okay, here's a better version of it! Think I will still tinker around with it a bit more, but I'm happier with the textures and the characters.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Chivalry is not dead part two!

Here's a media study using collage that I tried out. Not sure if I'm 100% happy with it, so I think I will keep working it.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Chivalry is not dead!

Here is my very first post, after taking a short break from illustrating, I have decided to jump back into things by working on a piece to enter into the American Illustration Call For Entries. The deadline is in January, so I have a bit of time.

The idea for this piece sprang from personal experience. I am calling it "chivalry is not dead" because this is true - although it's not quite what it used to be. I think there's a whole different set of rules out there now. So I decided to have some fun with this. Can't wait to get some feedback.